Yesterday, I started diving a little further into Cakewalk Sonar X1 Producer. I originally started producing with Cakewalk back with Home Audio 4, so I know the basics of working with Sonar. Still, I've been stock in Reason world for so many years that I've kind of lost my chops in Sonar a bit.
Over this past weekend I've been diving back in to the massive music production software. One thing I will say is that Sonar makes a lot more since when you have a two monitor set-up. While working on a track last night I got to a point where I wanted start adding effects. I started to get the hang of where everything was located on the Pro Channel mostly through trial and error. I quickly figured out how to add effects to tracks and proceeded to add a reverb to one of my tracks.
I eventually wanted to add the same reverb to all four of my tracks, but the only way I could figure out how to do it was to copy and paste the same reverb plug-in to the other tracks. I knew that if I keep using this technique for effects my processor would start to scream and overload from the stress. There had to be a better way, but I just wasn't finding it right away. Enter Cake TV's getting started video:
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